Using Merchandising Services to Increase Sales
FMCG Merchandising
Merchandising Services
Using Merchandising Services to Increase Sales
Fast moving consumer goods or FMCG products are categorised by consumer goods that are bought, used and replaced frequently. FMCG items are generally inexpensive, and don’t involve an elaborate buying process. In other words, consumers do not spend much time or put a lot of effort into which item or brand of a certain product they purchase. With the purchase of FMCG products, the consumer is focused on convenience and price, meaning that the first product seen or the easiest product to reach is the one they will purchase. Some consumers also base their decision on the price of the products. Because there is so little decision involvement in the purchase of FMCG items, it is easy for merchandising companies to strategically position products within a store to make them easier to find and more attractive to consumers, increasing sales of a specific brand or product.
Are you in a grocery or FMCG industry? The truth is merchandising services can greatly benefit your industry or business and even lead to increased sales. Not nearly enough grocery store executives take advantage of merchandising services. Many grocers prefer to create and arrange product displays in house, however, what they don’t know is that by consulting a merchandising services company they can greatly enhance their store design. With the use of FMCG merchandising, your store will be optimised to captivate consumers and maximise Grocery Sales Agencies, allowing you to gain a leg up on your competition!
The benefits of merchandising services are numerous, especially in FMCG merchandising. On the surface, FMCG merchandising might sound like nothing more than simply making products look goodon a shelf. Any grocery store can do that with or without a merchandiser! However, FMCG merchandising entails much more than attractive store displays.
Merchandising services not only create store displays and arrange products in a store so they look good, but they also study market trends, buyer behaviours and predict future sales forecasts to determine the best way to display products so they are appealing to consumers. There is a certain psychology behind why buyers buy, and that is what merchandisers are targeting! Did you know consumers are more likely to purchase products displayed at eyelevel than anywhere else on the shelves? This is the kind of information FMCG merchandisers use when planning a product display. There have been hundreds of studies on buyer behaviour which provide useful insights for FMCG merchandising.
If you are looking to increase sales through grocery merchandising, it is time to contact an expert. There are many grocery merchandising consultants who provide FMCG Foodstuffs NZ, so contact some today and begin your journey to merchandising success!
Strikeforce - About Author:
Strikeforce New Zealand is a leading service provider to the New Zealand supermarket sales agencies & merchandising companies.
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