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5 Tips to Help Improve Your Appointment Setting Campaigns

By Belinda Summers Subscribe to RSS | August 20th 2012 | Views:

Setting appointments with b2b sales leads can be difficult, especially if you're dealing with high-profile business leads who are often too busy to give you time for your presentation. Your most qualified business sales leads are often the most difficult to get an appointment with because your competitors are eyeing them too. What can you do to improve the results of your campaigns and increase your profits? You have to get that appointment from them right on the first call. Here are 5 tips you can follow:

Start your call with a smile.Even if your prospective sales leads will not be able to see the smile of your professional appointment setters, they will be able to hear it through their voice. When your appointment setters make cold calls while smiling, they will be less nervous about calling strangers, allowing them to build better rapport and improve the success of getting an appointment.

Give proper introductions.Giving proper introductions about who you are and who you represent is an important courtesy when making any sort of phone call. When your b2b sales leads know who you are, your cold calls can immediately turn into a warm call, especially if you mention that you were referred by a business acquaintance or you previously sent that b2b sales lead an email.

Don't deliver the script word for word.Your appointment setting script, no matter how effective it is for you, can never really contain all the possible responses of your sales leads. If you train your appointment setters to rely solely on the script, they won't be able to answer prospect queries that were not included in their script. A good strategy is to have your appointment setters take note of unusual or common business lead prospect questions and responses to share with other appointment setters.

Listen and let your prospect know that you are listening.Letting your business leads know that you are actually listening to them throughout the call will give them the impression that your sales representatives will do just the same during the meeting. Listening to what your prospects have to say also helps the two of you find an agreeable time to set an appointment faster.

Empathize with your business leads.When you put the above tip into action, you will be able to empathize better with what your b2b leads tell you. If they are too busy to add you to their calendar, or if they have a deadline to catch, simply tell them that you understand their situation and offer another date for the appointment.

These may seem like pretty simple changes, but if you follow these simple tips, you can be sure that your appointment setting campaigns will improve significantly. If you want to always have the best appointment setting campaigns that let you do business only with qualified business leads, outsource your process to a reliable b2b appointment setting firm. Specifically hiring a firm who does business to business appointments will keep your sales representatives busy with qualified appointments, and you don’t even have to worry about the appointment setting script.

Belinda Summers - About Author:
Belinda Summers works as a professional consultant. She helps businesses increase their revenue by lead generation and appointment setting services through telemarketing. To know more about this visit:

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