Why Not Go to a Botox Clinic Malaysia to Remove Wrinkles?
As to wrinkles, we all know what they are. Most wrinkles due to aging appear on the parts of the body that have greatest sun exposure, including the hairless scalp, face, neck, the backs of the hands, and the tops of the forearms. Wrinkles are classified into two kinds, fine surface lines and deep furrows. Some deep furrows are anatomical in nature and not associated with aging. As a matter of fact, most people are bothered by the aging wrinkles.
In the Botox Clinic Malaysia, the wrinkles can be smoothed out with a Botox injection treatment. As a kind of material derived from a purified protein, botox removes lines by preventing the muscles from contracting into a wrinkle. In the procedure, a few drops of Botox are injected with a tiny needle into the muscle to block the nerve impulses responsible for the contractions. As the stimulation to the muscle weakens, the lines gradually appear and patients will have a more refreshed, relaxed, highly natural looking appearance.
There are several benefits of botox. First, it is simple. What patients need is just an injection. Second, it is safe. It has been very safe since Botox was approved to be used in cosmetic areas. Third, patients can see the effect of injection before long. The medicine will be absorbed quickly after injection is done. About two days later, the muscles begin to get loose, thus wrinkles can be smoothed out.
Botox is most commonly used a wrinkle treatment these days. When the botox is injected around the eyes and the mouth in the bOtox Clinic Malaysia, there are several possible side effects including pain at the injection site, headaches, bruising, swelling and bleeding. These minor and normal side effects usually disappear in a few hours to a few days.
In addition, the Botox injection treatment can also be done for facial contouring, apart from smoothing out lines. A square jaw, which results from chewing on foods like dried squid and gum or teeth grinding, makes most women look rather masculine. After the Botox injection treatment, the patient’s lower face is beautifully contoured and a slim, feminine jaw forms.
Besides, the Botox injection in the Botox Clinic Malaysia even can cure excessive sweating on some areas of the body such as underarms, hands and feet, which suffered by some patients. As we all know, sweat glands can be activated by a nerve impulse. After Botox is injected into problem areas, the related nerve impulse is relaxed for the time being and prevented from reaching the sweat gland, thus stopping sweat production in the treated areas.
Vincentpi - About Author:
Resource From:Botox Clinic Malaysia And Fillers For Face
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