Understanding Fire Prevention and Fire Safety for Businesses
Fire prevention and safety for businesses is as much a legal matter as it is a safety matter. Not only do you want to know that you have protective measures in place to protect your business and your customers, but you also need to be covered with the required protections under the law. Each state has slightly different requirements, so start by checking with local officials on what you need for your business. Here are a few examples of systems and services to keep you protected from fire damage and protect your water source.
Back Flow Preventers - Back pressure is a way that an undesirable contaminant may enter your potable water piping. Sources of back pressure may be pumps in the water distribution system, boilers or heat exchanging equipment and even power washing equipment. In these cases you may have an almost constant risk of overcoming the static water pressure in the piping – and when chemicals are used, a backflow preventer is essential to keep contaminants out.
Exit Lights - Emergency lights provide lighting in corridors, stairwells, ramps, escalators, aisles, and exit passageways in the event of a power outage. If your emergency lights fail to operate properly during an emergency situation or power outage, the people in the building may have difficulty exiting. In the case of a fire, delays in finding the exits can be life threatening. Make sure your exit lights are working properly before you need them.
Fire Alarms - Fire alarms are not something that most businesses or managers think about – until they really need them. Your customers and your staff deserve to know they are protected, and having your fire alarms tested regularly ensures that if and when you need them, they will work effectively and provide enough warning to evacuate.
Fire Extinguishers - Fire extinguishers are required by law, and provide a fast emergency response to a small fire outbreak. If you are fortunate, your fire extinguishers will sit for long periods of time without any use, and it is imperative that they are properly charged and tested to ensure they will work properly in the event that they are needed.
Fire Hydrants - Testing fire hydrants can uncover a number of mechanical problems, including valves that don’t operate properly, leaks, pump damaging debris, or low pressure flowing from hydrants. It is important to discover problems and get them resolved before fire hydrants are needed in an emergency.
Fire Sprinklers - Much like fire alarms, fire sprinklers may go years without use, so regular testing is required to make sure they are working properly and have enough pressure to extinguish fires. You also want to be sure they are activated at the right time and have the proper coverage.
Kitchen Hoods - Commercial cooking areas, ranging from fast-food restaurants to institutional kitchens, cannot afford an interruption in operation caused by a fire. Insurance statistics prove that if a restaurant has a fire, it may never reopen; those that do have lost time and money in the form of personal injury treatment, equipment replacement, and potentially higher insurance rates.
These are just a few examples of preventative measures for dealing with fire safety. It is often the things we don’t think about ahead of time that cause the most damage financially and physically, so be proactive and don’t overlook your fire protection needs just because you have never had an issue.
Ben George - About Author:
Empire Fire Protection is an Atlanta fire protection services company helping business have peace of mind when it comes to fire prevention and safety measures.
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